
Coldplay mylo xyloto lyrics album youtube
Coldplay mylo xyloto lyrics album youtube

coldplay mylo xyloto lyrics album youtube

The other one feels he’s losing her, but he’s not entirely sure. It’s about two lovers, one of them thinks of love as a bird and the freedom that comes with being one. What’s the point of trying to raise your voice It’s also ’bout the people I care ’bout who choose not let me in, it’s really heartbreaking. So the first time I’ve listened to it, it showed how much “Chris Martin” is in love and it showed me how people must feel ’bout me hiding my feelings and choosing to shut down all time. To me it’s ’bout how I don’t let people in, it’s not easy and most of the time people who are the closest to me can’t get through my walls. This song is stuck on my mind these days, I love it. “Ghost Story” : Okey so the whole idea behind the name of the song which is the Album’s title as well, is this idea of ghosts and stories of your past that are long gone. Still I call it magic, when I’m next to youįavorite songs : “Ghost Story”, “True Love” ,” A Sky Full Of Stars” ,”O” and of course “Magic”. Coldplay has always been standing out when it comes to album art, this one stands for me the most though. I also love the album art, it was etched by this Czech artist “Mila Fürstová“. It’s like what he said that the songs appear to be sad but all convey hope and brighter things ahead.

coldplay mylo xyloto lyrics album youtube

Each song more intimate and sentimental than the other, you do get the sense of sadness and longing but the words also look positively for a brighter future. The songs are simple and sweet chains of thoughts, of a man who knows what love is, and of a significant other who has obviously let go. This album is more personal and intimate than the other previous ones, and for that I’m grateful. Chris ripped his heart out and gave it all lyrically and emotionally in this record, as sort of his tribute and sort of goodbye to his 10 years of marriage. Is it insane to want to fall in love then have your heart broken just to get into the state of unconditional love and absolute devotion, that is this record ?! I guess that’s what music and art supposed to do anyways, right ?! So I’m happy that I got the chance to listen to their music. But they do make sense to me, within my own stories, heartbreaks, happy moments, artistic sense. Maybe I don’t fully understand their art, metaphors and the stories behind the lyrics.

coldplay mylo xyloto lyrics album youtube

I like to believe that I feel their melodies and lyrics in my own way, and it feels magical and heavenly when I do. “Chris martin” embodies what I believe an artist should be and sound like. This is a band that I probably love beyond what can be put into words.

Coldplay mylo xyloto lyrics album youtube